Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Hard work, full truth, and God's love will set you free"

Not sure if any of you use Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, but I do. This quote and many other scripture-esque verbage covers the bottle in a church flyer kind of way.

Today, the line that stood out was: "There is no fear--Hard work, Full truth, and God's love will set you free."

And, my brotha's and sista's--I did it. I was set free from a mental mind fuck that dismantled my mind from heart. I just looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I feel like I'm on ecstasy."

TWO people contacted me yesterday. TWO. From my past. Rather close people, but two that I haven't talked to in some time. Actually, if you count the past three days, FOUR people who I haven't spoken to in ages contacted me to see if I was ok. I said yes, lying, and then asked why they asked. "Because you don't seem like it."

Apparently, I am was a sappy, sad, overly-present-in-a-terrible-way baby the past week. "You tell your life on social media." Which is true. I probably am obsessed with it. And that is another story.

Anyways, the underlying message was:
1) Focus on something else
2) Don't be so attached--it's a turnoff
3) Shit will work out
4) I can't control anything

Now none of these folks were program people. None of them. How, then, do they just GET this shit, and I have to work so goddamn hard at it? I am looking back at my behavior and it was pitiful, sad, depressed, etc. I wanted to be the victim, and I was doing it unknowingly.

I don't want to be that. I want to be strong. I want to be loving, and self approved. The fact that I came home from work, so happy, made myself a 5star salad, drank a few beers, and watched my favorite TV show until I passed out--and SLEPT THROUGH UNTIL MY 8:30AM ALARM was a work of God through me. He is saying, "Ok, enough is enough."

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